Food Allergy Walk

Organized by FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education) , their Food Allergy Walk celebrates the heroes that keep our food allergic loved ones safe and raises funds for food allergy research, education, advocacy, and awareness.

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Our family just attended our first ever Food Allergy walk and we had a great time! Arriving at 9am to the Food Allergy Heroes Walk, there was plenty of time to mingle and meet other families. With a common cause for the event, it was easy to find common grounds.

Food Allergy Support

I talked to so many moms about various topics such as what their kids were allergic to, what the reactions are, what reactions they’ve had and how it was handled, how to keep them safe in school at snack/lunch time, how they handle school field trips, whether yard duty staff carries an EpiPen, whether they eat at restaurants, how to order food, what food allergy treatments are available, how long they take, Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) and the intricacies of dosing, favorite brands of foods, and so many other things. 

It was so nice to meet others who knew where you’re coming from and totally understood and felt the same challenges and difficulties in everyday life.

Kid Fun

The kids can have fun at the arts and crafts booths. Since this walk occurred near Halloween, there were mainly Teal Pumpkin Project activities. There was posters to decorate and hang on your house for the big day. There was also a bingo game, a selfie wall, and face painting. On the lawn, there were some tossing activities to get you warmed up and moving.

The Walk

At 10:30am, a FARE representative gave a speech and started the group walk. It’s only an easy mile long, so anyone can do it. With Food Allergy Superhero capes on and a burst of energy, the walk began. There were families with young and old, babies to grandparents and there were supportive friends. After the walk, prizes were awarded for individuals or teams that raised the most funds. The raffle prize winners were also announced.

Attend a Food Allergy Awareness Walk! Share on X

Reasons to attend the Food Allergy Heroes Walk event:

  1. Connect with other food allergy families who have similar challenges.
  2. Kids can meet other food allergic kids and not feel so alone.
  3. Have fun with arts and crafts.
  4. Get samples from food vendors with allergy safe products.
  5. Learn about food allergy treatments available in private practices.
  6. Learn about research trials that are currently recruiting and sign up. 
  7. Kids get a teal cape.
  8. Learn what you can do to raise awareness.
  9. Walk together as a community to raise funds for food allergy research.
  10. Raise food allergy awareness by fundraising with your friends and family.

Get everyone food allergy awareness shirts BEFORE the event!

Brands that were represented.

 (affiliate links below)

  1. Don’t Go Nuts
  2. Enjoy Life Foods
  3. SunButter
  4. FreeYumm

For further reading:

What do you think? Might you attend a food allergy walk in the future? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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2 thoughts on “FOOD ALLERGY WALK”

  • Thank you for the recap. It’s great to see all the parents who work hard in spreading awareness on food allergy. It was good to see Natalie G’s family speak at the event , my heart goes out to them and am thankful for the work they do in helping keep our children safe. I wish I could stay longer at the event but couldn’t. I would have wanted to check out the other tables and learn more about what they do. It’s great to see everyone from the SNP food allergy community council whom some are now extending their work to other food allergy related organizations.

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