Hi! My name is Jennifer and I want to help you learn to navigate everyday life with your child’s food allergies. With 2 kids, now 11 and 13 years of age, and 2 different sets of allergic foods, I know what it’s like.
It is hard.
Sometimes it feels impossible, and you don’t know what to do.
I’m here to help and share what’s worked for our family.
My kids have graduated from a clinical trial on Oral Immunotherapy to desensitize them to their allergens. Read about our family’s journey: HOW ORAL IMMUNOTHERAPY (OIT) CHANGED OUR LIFE.
[Update 1/3/2021: The kids are now 15 and 17 years old. Time flies!]AUTHOR BIOS
Keira Chung is 11 years old and lives in the USA. Some facts about Keira are that she plays violin, loves art, and being organized. However, what she most likes is doing gymnastics. She is always upside-down, even when talking! When she grows up, she wants to be a fashion model and designer, though she does not want to wear the clothes she designs. Keira is really excited to finally publish a real book.
Jennifer Chung was motivated to create this picture book because the perfect allergy book for her children didn’t exist. Both her daughter and son have a different set of multiple food allergies. Her son is allergic to peanuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios and cashews. Her daughter, Keira, is allergic to milk, peanuts, cashews, pistachios, sesame seeds, flaxseeds, shrimp, and salmon. Jennifer bought book after book for peanut allergies, tree nut allergies, and milk allergies, but they were never all encompassing. This was a problem because it never painted the full picture of her children’s food allergies for them. In addition, allergic symptoms can be different for each person. Both of her children are participating in clinical food trials for allergy research. Jennifer thoroughly enjoyed working on this book with Keira. It really was the best mother-daughter project ever! Jennifer has a degree in Computer Science from UC Berkeley During college, she got many strange looks from other students as she walked into programming classes with a large artists clipboard and pastel/charcoal smeared all over her jeans.
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