Joining OIT support groups can have many benefits. A group with a common purpose will understand what you’re going through.
With this new long-term treatment, Oral Immunotherapy for food allergies, a group can help reduce anxiety and isolation.
But first, if you don’t know what OIT is, read the OIT definition below in the teal titled box.
A good support network can make your OIT journey a lot less stressful. Not only do they share similar challenges, but they can contribute ideas and provide encouragement when most needed.
How to find an OIT Support Group
A support group is a safe place for you to ask questions and have discussions with other like-minded people.
Find one(s) that works for you in the list below.
OIT Food Allergy Oral Immunotherapy Treatment Support Group on Facebook – Join discussions with others going through oral immunotherapy. You’ll find a supportive community of prospective patients, current patients, and graduates.
Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) Graduates Support Network on Facebook – For parents and patients who have graduated from any Oral Immunotherapy Food Allergy Treatment Program and are navigating maintenance dosing during the years following graduation.
Food Allergy Treatment Talk (FATT) on Facebook – Share and discuss evidence-based scientific research related to improving — and one day, hopefully, eliminating — IgE-mediated food allergies (unrelated to intolerances/sensitivities) in people of all ages.
Need suggestions on what to dose with? Head over to Food Allergy OIT Tips and Tricks for ideas.
Want to read more about Oral Immunotherapy? Head over to OIT CENTRAL to browse more topics.
The goal of therapy is to raise the threshold that may trigger a reaction and provide the allergic individual protection against accidental ingestion of the allergen. OIT is not a curative therapy and involves a long-term commitment over several months to years and possibly indefinitely. Individuals who receive OIT will continue to carry epinephrine, read labels closely, etc., and it is not expected that OIT will lead to ingestion of the allergen without limitation. (Definition from AAAAI.)
Find out more about The Current State of Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) for the Treatment of Food Allergy from the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology.
Remember, OIT treatment should only be performed under the supervision of a board-certified allergist.DISCLOSURE: Posts may contain affiliate links. If you purchase a product through an affiliate link, your cost will be the same but Allergic Princess will automatically receive a small commission. Your support is greatly appreciated!
DISCLAIMER: Manufacturing practices and ingredients can change at any time without notice and readers are always responsible for assuring allergen safety for yourself prior to buying or consuming foods.
DISCLAIMER: The content provided on AllergicPrincess.com is for educational purposes only. The information supplied on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult a physician regarding any health problem and before altering your diet, making changes in prescribed medications, or taking supplements of any kind.